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1 Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1961; reprinted, New York: New Viewpoints, 1973), pp. 670-671.

2 Solomon.Grayzel, A History of the Jews: From the Babylonian Exile to the Present (Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 1968), p. 786.

3 Hilberg, Destruction of the European Jews, pp. 671-672 .

4 Judah Pilch, ed., "From the Early Forties to the Mid-Sixties", in A History of Jewish Education in America (New York: American Association for Jewish Education, 1969), pp. 119-121.

5 Ibid., pp. 121-124.

6 Ibid., pp. 140-141.

7 Bruria Hutner David, "The Dual Role of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chajes: Traditionalist and Maskil", (Ph.D.dissertation, Columbia University, 1971), p. 139

8 Teachers College, Columbia University, Teachers College: Columbia University: 1980/1981 (Catalog. Teachers College Bulletin, Series 71. Teachers College, New York, May 1980), p. 82.

9 Lawrence A. Cremin, American Education: The National Experience 1783-1876 (New York: Harper & Row, 1980), pp. ix-x.

10 Yitzchok Hutner, "'Holocaust'--A Study of the Term, and the Epoch it is Meant to Describe," trans. Chaim Feuerman and Yaakov Feitman, The Jewish Observer, October 1977, pp. 1;8 .

11 Ibid., p. 9.

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